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Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu: Giotto Maestro Toscano
Art & Culture Journalist, Leonardo Chiari, dives into the fascinating works of Italy's Tuscan Master, Giotto.

MARRADI, TUSCANY: A Must-Visit For Chestnut and Nature Lovers
Deep within the Mugello valley, bordering the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines mountain range, lies the picturesque village of Marradi.

Ma Tu Ricordi Quando Alle Scalelle...
Arts & Culture Journalist,
Leonardo Chiari transports our readers back in time, unveiling Marradi's historical Battle of Scalelle.

ITALIANO PURO: La lingua parlata dei Marradesi
Arts & Culture Journalist, Walter Scarpi offers our readers an eloquent glimpse into the official dialect and language of the Marradesi.

Born in Marradi, the beloved Italian poet, Dino Campana is revered within this community.

All Aboard the Epic and Momentous Train Journey in Honor of the Great Poet, Dante Alighieri
Il Treno di Dante offers passengers memorable train journeys, providing insight into the Great Poet, Dante Alighieri's life.

Travel to Italy in Glamorous Style Aboard These Luxurious Iconic Trains
Both the original Orient Express and the Venice Simplon-Orient Express train services journey to Italy via other European countries in style

The 20 Most Romantic Restaurants to Dine at in Italy
From remarkable hidden gems to upscale locations, we've chosen the 20 most romantic restaurants in Italy just for you!

On a Shoestring Budget? Here's How to Explore Italy Without Breaking the Bank
Did you know that you can explore Italy on a shoestring budget, without breaking the bank? Well, you can! And, we're going to tell you how.

Why April is the Best Time to Visit the Dolomites in the Italian Alps
A favorite destination for adventurers, we tell you why the month of April is the best time for visiting the Dolomites in the Italian Alps.

What You Need to Know About Italy's Evening Ritual "La Passeggiata" Before You Go
Italy's popular evening ritual known as La Passeggiata is a daily cultural, and social activity (and Italian custom) you need to know about.

Take a Ride on the Nightjet Rail Service and Experience the Best Views of the Italian Riviera
Nighjet rail service is connecting passengers directly to La Spezia, Italy, providing the best views of the Italian Riviera.
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